(Inkscape Version 0.47)
Difficulty: Easy
Time to complete: 20 minutesKey elements: Shapes, Paths, Gradient Fills
Start Inkscape
Get the Document Properties dialog box (either by using the button in the main tool bar or by using
File > Document Properties)
Set the desired width and height values (I’ve used 500*400) - close the dialog box
Basic bee shape
Select the oval tool and draw 2 ovals for bee head and body. Select both ovals by dragging a box around them using the select tool (topmost tool of the tool box)
Click the X sign at the start of the bottom color palette of the Inkscape window to remove the fill color
Using the select tool position the bottom oval to overlap the top oval and press ‘Page Down’ key to send it to back
Select both ovals and get the Align and Distribute dialog by using the tool bar button or by using
Object > Align and Distribute
Click the button “Center objects horizontally” to align 2 ovals (Set the Relative to list as appropriate)
Using the freehand line tool (pencil) draw an antenna (increase the smoothing slider as necessary at the top of the ruler - tool control bar) and draw a small circle using the oval tool at the tip of it
Select both the antenna and the circle and click the Group button (in the main toolbar). Duplicate the shape using the toolbar button and click the Flip objects horizontally button (tool control bar)
Now you have 2 antennas so arrange them, scale as needed and position them over the head
First draw a white filled circle then a black small circle inside it and a white spot as in the image
Draw another black circle and with the oval tool is still selected drag the small circle shaped handler to make it a half a circle
Position it over the eye and select the whole set, group, duplicate and position it in the head area
TIP: You can save this eye in a separate file as a library for future use
Gradient Fill
Click the head of the bee and open the Fill and stroke dialog either by Object > Fill and Stroke or by using the toolbar button
In the Fill tab select the Radial gradient option and click the Edit button. Click each color stop and select the desired color from the wheel (adjust the alpha slider to 100)
To adjust the gradient fill, select the Gradient tool from the toolbox and click the head. Play with the handles and adjust the fill as desired.
Do the same thing for the body of the bee and apply a light grey stroke for both of them.
Apply a little bit of blur (at the bottom of the fill tab) for both objects
Making of a Sting
Using the Bezier tool (pen) click to form a triangle
Using the Path Editing tool click the lowest point (node) of the triangle
Click the option Make the selected node smooth in the tool option bar
Using arrow keys position all 3 nodes as appropriate
Apply a gradient fill and position the sting at the bottom of the bee
Making of six legs
Draw a white filled oval using the oval tool
Select the Path editing tool abd click Convert object to path option in the tool option bar
(the oval is now a path and we can change the shape of it!)
Double click the lower right corner of the circle to add a new node
Drag that node into the circle and make the node smooth by selecting Make selected node smooth in the options bar
Use the path editing tool to arrange nodes as it looks like a hand (select the node and use arrow keys)
Add another oval to the wrist of the hand and select both shapes - Path > Union
To draw the arm, select calligraphic tool (choose option Dip pen) and drag to create a shape.
Align it with the hand and apply colors
Select both shapes, Group and Make five duplicates!
First make an oval and draw a rectangle on top of that (as tall as the oval)
Align the rectangle so that the bottom part of the oval is not covered
Select Path > Difference to cutoff the excess area
Scale and align the mouth as appropriate
Thats it for the tutorial part. Here you can find few variations of the same drawing.. hope you can achieve them as well.
Send us your creations with this tutorial so we all can share them
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