Difficulty: Easy
Time to complete: 15 minutes
Key elements: Bend Path Effect, Tiled Clones
Snake Body
Using the rectangle tool create a long horizontal box
Select the box and select Path > Path Effect Editor
Choose Bend for the option and click Add. Bend is now added to the Effect list
Choose Edit on-canvas button in the Current effect section
(you can see a horizontal axis inside the box with 2 end points)
The axis is the path to the box.. so like a regular path add some nodes (dbl-click) along the path and use arrow keys or mouse drag to move them (use Make selected node smooth option in the tool option bar to make a smooth bend)
After getting a nice snake shape close the path effect editor
To give the snake a rattle like end, use the oval tool to draw small ovals
Instead you can use the very handy tool – Make Tiled Clones!
Make a single oval and apply a radial gradient fill .. then select Edit > Clone > Create Tiled Clones option
Use the options below or try as you wish
Symmetry - Simple Translation
Shift – Per Row - Shift Y - 10
Shift – Per Row – Exponent - 0.7
Scale – Per Row – Scale X - -10
Scale – Per Row – Exponent - 5
Rows * Columns - 7*1
Click on Create..
Group all ovals into one and position them at the snake tail
Snake Head
Using the oval tool draw 2 ovals overlapping each other
Select the left most oval and using the path editing tool convert it to a path as earlier
Select the 2 nodes at the top and right and select the option Delete segment between nodes in the tool option bar.. the segment between the 2 nodes are gone so we can use that part as the mouth
Select the right most oval and hit Page Down to send it to back and position it with the first oval
Get the eyes & mouth from the previous work or draw them as earlier
I have used the pen tool to draw a tongue for the snake and smoothened the curves by mouse dragging
Thats it for the tutorial part.. use your creativity to add some more effects and share them with other inkscape lovers like me
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